Act for the heritage

Act for the heritage

Volunteers workcamp, a personal and territorial enrichment.

Volunteers workcamps

How does it work?

A volunteer workcamp allows volunteers of any geographical, social and cultural horizons to meet and to contribute together to a common project of development or embellishment of the local heritage.

During 2 to 3 weeks, the volunteers live in a group under the direction of an experienced team of supervisor. They learn in the morning about the traditional techniques of the old built by contributing to the saving of a site or a monument, whereas the afternoons and the weekend are reserved for the discovery of the territory. Those are holidays rich in sense and unforgettable moments.

Our know how:

By choosing to make a commitment on volunteers workcamps of Opus, the volunteers benefit from our knowledge and from our expertise in various domains :

- Supervision by professionals: On volunteers workcamps, the volunteers are introduced to the techniques of heritage restoration built by professionals of the masonry.

- Respect for the traditional techniques and for the local context: Lime masonry, dry stones masonry (traditional technique of pavement of grounds in Provence), coating… so many techniques which will be applied to the various volunteers workcamps.

- Passion and knowledge of the territory: On volunteers workcamps, the volunteers participate actively in the enhancement of Provençal and Mediterranean heritage and also discover the landscaped, cultural wealth of the territory thanks to the organizers who propose a program of discovery varied.

- Commitment to sustainable development: In a context of climate change and diminishing biodiversity, volunteers will discover and participate in the ecological transition by implementing simple actions throughout their stay.

- Sharing and conviviality: Volunteers are involved in their stay and actively participate in the daily life of the group - tidying up, cooking, cleaning - and in decision-making - rules of life, programme of activities, choice of menus.

What’s a volunteer’s workcamp?

Volunteers workcamps bring together volunteers of any ages come from the whole world. Together, they participate in works to restore and protect the characteristic elements of the Provençal and Mediterranean heritage: chapels, fountains, castles, ancient country-houses, cobblestones or sheepfolds ... To come, no particular competence is asked. The volunteers are introduced to the technical gestures of restoration by professionals on site. Life on volunteers workcamps is given rhythm by the cultural exchanges, the life of a group, the leisure activities and the discovery of the wealth of Provence and the Mediterranean Sea: Ventoux, Luberon, Alpilles, the  Verdon, Haute-Provence, Côte d'Azur …

Volunteers workcamps are committed and useful holidays: a real human and cultural adventure.

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20 Jul 2024-9 Aug 2024

Sprucing up the Chemin de la Charreirasse


27 Jul 2024-9 Aug 2024

The Saint Martin Wall

pernes les fontaines

10-23 Aug 2024



07-27 Sep 2024

The Citadel's low walls
